Why did I decide to study software engineering?

Michael Martinez
2 min readOct 30, 2020

It all started when I decided to take a C++ class for fun. I really didn’t know anything about programming and didn’t know what to expect. I started the class and really enjoyed steadily learning more and using what I learned as a building block to make more and more complex functions and programs. One class led to another and I furthered my knowledge of C++ as well as some Java. It culminated in a group project with two of my fellow students that was really one of the most fun projects I have ever worked on. We each took on a different role and programmed piece by piece of a game that really ended up blowing all the other groups out of the water when we presented our game to the class.

Recently, I’ve been teaching myself Swift to learn to program iOS apps. While certain aspects of the language have appeared daunting at times, I’ve really pulled through and advanced my understanding of swift. While I’m certainly no expert yet, I’ve gotten to the point where I can work on a simple app and be able to text and develop it little by little. Being able to sit back and look at something I’ve built from the ground up is just such a fulfilling feeling.

All in all, I’m studying software engineering not just for my own enjoyment, I’m also doing it to make my wife proud and my family proud. I’d like to be able to create something I can present to them and know it was something I put much hard work and effort into. I know that when I’m done with the program and have begun my career as a software engineer, I’ll have made them even prouder.

